Useful Links

Attendance and Punctuality Guide for Parents

Student Planner Pages


Students can access careers information in many ways at Outwood Academy Danum

  • Drop in sessions with our Careers Inc advisors on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Through the Careers section in the sixth form common room. This contains details on apprenticeships and universities
  • Scheduled appointments with our Careers Inc advisors
  • Activities in VMG including external speakers, written activities and multi-media presentations. Students will have the chance to ask questions and record their involvement
  • Drop down days - each year group will get a minimum of half a day off timetable each year dedicated to activities related to careers learning
  • Advisors from Careers Inc will be available at information evenings and parents evening 

First Bus child fare changes – from Sunday 28 July
First Bus South Yorkshire has informed South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) of their decision to apply a price rise to their multi-journey and period child bus fares from Sunday 28 July 2024.
What are the price changes?
From Sunday 28 July 2024 First bus is applying a price rise to their range of child products and details will be available at
A summary of the changes is shown in the table below:
Product | New price
First 10 Single Journey Child South Yorkshire | £10.00
First Day Child | £3.00
First Week Child | £10.40
First 4 Week Child | £40.00